Get in the game and win with these weekly video call recaps. Filled with practical tips, latest tech updates, FAQ from coaches, and highlights from the best coaching community on the planet.

** NEW lessons added WEEKLY

Proven Skills

Gain tips on how to succeed in business and life from experts who have done it. No more having to figure it out alone, Learn what to do and what to avoid to find high achievement in your business.

Increase Your Income

Connect with like minded 6-Figure team members and tap into their wealth building strategies that work for anyone who commits to the process. You deserve a higher earnings, come and get it.

Book Summaries

There are millions of books out there, but how do you know which one to read? Better yet, when will you have time to read it. Come and get book summaries on the most relevant books on the market.

Find Your Passion

Get your smile back. You do not have to "work" your way through life. You can actually wakeup and be excited about what you do, while making a living turning your passion into profit.

Be A Leader

Connect with an industry leading Coaching Network that has been serving since 1998. Cutting edge technology, timeless strategies, and the favor of God to maximize the potential of others.

Like Minded Network

Sometimes in life it is not where you go, but it is who you go with. Link up with like minded and high-achieving professionals who want to partner and see you succeed.

Lead Coaches
Dr. Dwight & Dr. Jennell Riddick

Dr. Dwight and Dr. Jennell exist to help maximize the potential of others and organizations while helping them on their mission to see Jesus in more intimate ways. Their life goal is to walk alongside you and add value to your life without you having to figure it all out alone, struggle in your pursuit of a successful business, or feel inadequate while maturing in your faith. These two represent the idea of and/both opposed to either/or. Let them help you excel in ministry and marketplace without compromising on excellence in either niche. They firmly believe there’s a leader in everyone, and that God's grace provides the option for optimum success to everyone regardless of their education, financial background, life pedigree, or size of influence. Join them and the CMI Coaching Team in this unique mentoring coach relationship that when taken seriously has the potential to accelerate you toward God’s promises for you.

Dr. Dwight Shawrod Riddick, II

Leadership Coach and Mentor, CMI Leadership Coaching LLC

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Monthly Mentorship

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Join a like-minded NETWORK of High Achievers.

Gain access to cutting-edge RESOURCES & Tools.

Finally, be motivated to START & SCALE, and SUCCEED.

You don’t know WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW.

Stop doing life alone, we are BETTER TOGETHER.

Why keep reinventing the wheel? Get LIFE HACKS.

Grow from other GLOBAL VOICES that he is connected to.