You should smile, be happy, and have the Calm These Nurses Have

Overwhelming Anxiety?

Serving in the medical field while trying to manage life at home can indeed be stressful, mind aching, and a creator of anxiety. but there is a way to overcome.

Little Time For Self Care?

The regular work hours plus the many nights of overtime can take a toll on your mind, body, emotions, and over all health. However, you can get your time back.

Hard To Relax?

Even when you are technically off, the after effects of your job and the emotions that you have brought home can make it hard to set your mind at ease, get sleep or really rest. We have a cure.

Every Day Calm

Healthcare workers are the best. We give ourselves to our work with all of heart.

  • I loved my patients but became overwhelmed with hours of work.
  • I wanted to relax but was often filled with anxiety and couldn't sleep.
  • I know I needed to do something fun, but couldn't find time for personal self care.

Does any of that sound familiar? I have been there! I'm Dr. LaTosha Burch, I know what it's like to serve in health care but feel as if I have neglected my own personal self care. After 15 years of struggling with keeping up with work but not having any personal peace, I stopped and took time to search for a new way of enjoying life.

NOW, I'm still serving in medicine, teaching EMT courses, balancing family, running a business and have found a way to EMBRACE MY CALM. Join me in a 6 week challenge to find yours. It will be like experiencing your best birthday for a whole month. LOL. Enroll Now to get back the peace you deserve, the time you have earned, and the calm that should always be yours.

Experience a Life Enhancing 6 Week



Health Care CHAMPIONS, become a Hero of care in 6 weeks, without stopping the things you love and caring for those in need. Finally get the peace you deserve.

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You Deserve Your Calm Back

So many medical professionals have sacrificed to keep others healthy. You can only be helpful when you are also healthy. You and your patients deserve the best version of you. Making an Investment in your health and EMBRACE YOUR CALM.